Winter chandelier

A sunny, clear-skied morning. From every house hangs a sparkling chandelier of intricate icicles.

This is my final submission to a river of stones, a month-long challenge to notice (and record) one thing every day. I hope you’ve enjoyed the past month of getting stoned.

Cat nap

No better recipe for a sleepy Sunday afternoon than a warm house full of snoring pets.

This is my Day Thirty submission to a river of stones, a month-long challenge to notice (and record) one thing every day. I’ll be posting my “stones” both here and on Twitter, where submissions are tagged as #aros. Enjoy!

Sitting pretty

Surrounded by a sea of snow, a neighbor’s cat sits on a sunny porch, surveying the neighborhood, my dog, and me with regal disdain.

This is my Day Twenty-Nine submission to a river of stones, a month-long challenge to notice (and record) one thing every day. I’ll be posting my “stones” both here and on Twitter, where submissions are tagged as #aros. Enjoy!

Three robins

A dozen robins glean winter-dried crabapples from a twiggy tree, its trunk girdled in waist-deep snow.

This is my belated Day Twenty-Eight submission to a river of stones, a month-long challenge to notice (and record) one thing every day. I’ll be posting my “stones” both here and on Twitter, where submissions are tagged as #aros. Enjoy!

Icicles and shadows

Sunny winter days are in the business of growing icicles and shadows.

This is my Day Twenty-Seven submission to a river of stones, a month-long challenge to notice (and record) one thing every day. I’ll be posting my “stones” both here and on Twitter, where submissions are tagged as #aros. Enjoy!

Angles and icicles

Cedar waxwings call from a tall, twiggy tree, their huddled bodies silhouetted against an overcast, ink-wash sky.

This is my Day Twenty-Five submission to a river of stones, a month-long challenge to notice (and record) one thing every day. I’ll be posting my “stones” both here and on Twitter, where submissions are tagged as #aros. Enjoy!

Beware of falling snow and ice

The colder the day, the squeakier the crunch of frozen snow underfoot.

This is my Day Twenty-Four submission to a river of stones, a month-long challenge to notice (and record) one thing every day. I’ll be posting my “stones” both here and on Twitter, where submissions are tagged as #aros. Enjoy!

Buried lantern

Passing a big gray Victorian, we hear a burbling trickle of piano notes, their lighthearted melody belying the home’s stern exterior.

This is my Day Twenty-Three submission to a river of stones, a month-long challenge to notice (and record) one thing every day. I’ll be posting my “stones” both here and on Twitter, where submissions are tagged as #aros. Enjoy!

Fence with shadow

In the blue-skied aftermath of yet another snowstorm, the sun paints long brushstrokes of shadow on a fresh white canvas.

This is my Day Twenty-Two submission to a river of stones, a month-long challenge to notice (and record) one thing every day. I’ll be posting my “stones” both here and on Twitter, where submissions are tagged as #aros. Enjoy!

Reggie after snowy dog-walk

The secret of walking down semi-plowed streets in a snowstorm? The dog walks one tire-track, and I walk the other.

This is my Day Twenty-One submission to a river of stones, a month-long challenge to notice (and record) one thing every day. I’ll be posting my “stones” both here and on Twitter, where submissions are tagged as #aros. Enjoy!